Monday, April 28, 2008
A major upset
Sunday, April 27, 2008
If the price is right
When the bonus payment was made, I had a lot of plans with the money. This includes increasing my investments, settling off some debts and spending the extra for a much needed family vacation. But the sad truth was, after settling off some of my debts, there was very little to spend or even to save. It got me to wonder, I have been living with quite high debts all this while. Sometimes we tend to overcommit ourselves financially that we forgot to take stock of the income we earn to cover it. The thing is, I am not the only one. From several conversations that I had with some of the people around me, friends and acquaintances alike, I gather that most of them too have the same problem.
Is living in the current society have put too much strain on your financials? If we look around us, most of us pay for our convenience. Remember in the good old days, whenever there's a wedding in the neighbourhood, relatives and neighbours will come in throngs to help with the big do. Nowadays, everything will be done by caterers. The thing that got you worried is that what is really the price of convenience? I notice that the warmth and the excitement of a wedding do has far dwindled nowadays. No doubt, the wedding is much nicer, the brides looks prettier, the do is much more organised and of course the host will not have to worry about cleaning up after the mess, but once you leave the wedding, there's nothing much to remember about. I use to have this warm feeling whenever I attended a wedding during my childhood days. I remember having good times playing with with my cousins, helping in the distribution of 'bunga telur', washing tonnes of dishes, catching up with my relatives and list go on. Now, people are so busy that we always opt for convenience. We rather pay for things rather than having to endure too much of hassles. But what we fail to realise is that, with the money, we are trading off other things in life such as closeness and bond with your neighbours and relatives. Is this the right price?
Do we realise that all of us are too busy working our ass off to get high bonus so that we can pay for our convenience? We would probably have avoided all this if we spend some time away from work and start investing in the relationship with your neighbours and relatives. Can you really put a price to good neighbours and close relatives?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I feel happy
I feel happy, and happy and more
I'm ecstatic
I'm ecstatic
I'm ecstatic, ecstatic and more
And the best thing is that I don't know what's got into me.......
p/s: Superchica - thanks for the words of encouragement. To be able to put your head up high and rise above all the shit that happens, makes you a real superhero!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The war
I always thought democracy is about giving the power to the people to make their own choice and decisions. So, what power are you giving if the children cannot even be accorded a safe environment for them to get their education. We wailed for the loss of lives during the 'highly-publicised' 9/11 tragedy, but how many of us really take time to think about the loss of lives during the war of Iraq, or the never-ending chaos in the Gaza strip. I believe the number of lives lost are far beyond the 9/11 tragedy. I am no fan of terrorist, but I am no fan of biased and unjust treatment either. Do we realise that most of the time, our sympathy are very much guided by the people whom in the first place are the one who mastermind all this? We cried for holocaust victims, but there were never any mention about the killings of women or children in the Sabra & Shatilla massacre. We felt deeply for victims for London bombing, but do we talk about thousands of women who were widowed during the Afghan war? Why is it that when tragedies happen in the countries that control the media, wide publicity is given? Are we really giving the help to those who are really in need.
It got me thinking, whose democracy are we championing for?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spoke too soon....
Remember when I wrote how productive I have been last week bla, bla, bla. Guess what? As I was about to leave my office, looking forward to a relaxing weekend, I got an email requesting me to prepare a presentation to senior management on Tuesday. Since, it was still 530 pm, I decided to stay back a while, do the necessary skeletal presentation and make a few calls to get the information required, giving them Monday as deadlines for submission. Still, I felt, under such tight deadlines, I manage to keep cool and remain subdued. When I finish my last instructions, I felt that my entry on being a superhero was well validated. Seems that it was only the beginning.
When I was about to leave office again about at 730 pm, I got a call from my boss to prepare a report which is due on Monday! This is where I started panicking. It was already 730pm and most of my colleagues have gone home (after all it was Friday night!). Thousands of questions started to clogged my mind. Where am I going to get the information during the weekend? How can I contact the right people? Where can I get the additional resource? I have already approved the leaves for two of my key staff next week. Helllppppppp!!
Suddenly I remember my earlier blog entry on being super-productive. At this juncture, I would like to take back all the things that I say about myself. Time for this humble old bloke to swallow his words and admit that he is not a superhero after all!
Boy's night out
Indeed it was a fun night! First, I got to see how a 'scaredy-cat' Koosh was when it comes to watching horror movie. Throughout, the show Koosh was uttering some expletives whenever he was afraid or feeling something was lurking. I too have my moment of cowardliness but seeing another friend who is more scared than you somehow boost you 'macho'ness a bit.
After the show, we went for a drink and continued chit-chatting and caught up with the latest gossip (yes, we boys do gossip you know!). Somehow, during our conversation, we manage to point out each other's peculiarity. I started it when I pointed out Koosh's obsession with his boss. It seems that every time we strike a conversation, he always mention about his boss. They also pointed out that I tend to talk too much about work. At one point, Koosh even accused me of being workaholic! In then end, we make a pact to stay away from talking the things that we seem to be 'obsessed' with. We also talked about how we wish to live the lives of one another, only to realise that each one has its own shortcomings.
When I went back home, I saw my wife sound asleep and it got me thinking, no matter how much fun I had out there, nothing can beat the fun I had with my family. It takes me just one night to realise that what I had was real.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Productive week
Throughout my entire professional life, I have always been in a work environment that push me to be super-productive. Many a times, I will be assigned simultaneous projects with simultaneous deadlines as well. Because of my ability to do so, I do have this conceited view of myself being a superhero (sorry superchica, I am the first self-proclaimed corporate superhero before you!). I guess, this may have a lot to do with my upbringing. You see, my mom is a single-handed domestic manager (because my father was a soldier and always away from home). I would say, she was amongst the pioneer of 'modern' women, a new breed of female who have to juggle between career and household needs. I remember it well that all of us were taught to multitask and she could get very impatient if you are 'tembel' (and she can get quite violent too if her demand is not met - I could still recall an incident where she threw a cooking knife to one of my sisters for not bring the kitchen utensils on time!). With all this conditioning, you can't blame me for my low tolerance towards inefficiency and low productivity.
On to another topic, I just got a news that an ex-schoolmate have just got his 5th child. Now that's the level of productivity that I can do without!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A lovely relationship.
I always know when we got married, she is the perfect partner for me. I have to say that even though our personality is of total opposites, we do have a lot of shared interests together (and usually, these are the kind of things that people would say they are uncharacteristic of us). We like to shop, I enjoy designing her clothes, she enjoys me designing her clothes, she enjoys talking about her friends to me and I enjoy listening to them, we like the same TV shows, I like tennis and she adores Rafael Nadal (up to a point that I can't help but thinking that they might have some secret affair behind my back). In fact, one true character that we share is that our friends find us trustworthy. The amount of people's secret that me & my wife know can turn the country into a series of 'Dynasty' episodes (for those who were born post 1980's, this is a soap filled with scandals, corruption and betrayals).
My wife is quite an introvert person. She would have a small circle of friends whom she is very close with. People will normally associate her with aloofness. However, the good thing about her is that she is good at maintaining friendship. I, on the other hand, is the 'put-everything-out-there' kind of guy. I am always at ease in meeting strangers and always able to strike any kind of conversation. It seems that I can talk about any topics in the world. But the thing is I am very poor at maintaining friendship. Other than my wife, I can't seem to thank any of my current close friends whom I know more than 5 years. It seems that I can only maintain my friendship if I marry into one, which is exactly what I did. My wife is my best friend since the university days and we remain best friends till now. I think to be able to enjoy each other's company and always have good conversation are pillars to strong and solid relationship. I am glad that I married her, otherwise, I would have lost a very very good friend. Now, you wouldn't what that to happen to you, would you?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The company is run by some big Malay tycoon (a Tan Sri by the way) who purportedly have connections with the highest level of leadership in the country. That's why he got the contract in the first place. I don't mind if you want to use whatever cable that you have to secure a contract (after all, this is MALAYSIA!), but please ensure that you deliver your goods!
Right now, my mind is full of expletives for this guy!
Why do people become unscrupulous? It doesn't mean that you have the right to be a bastard just because you have a lot of money and have friends in high places. I long for the good old days where people uphold moral values and do work honestly. I guess with these kind of people in the becoming part of circle of friends of the country's leadership, we can expect the behaviour to be the new theme for the country's generation. No wonder things are getting into more and more messy. Bastard friends influencing bastard leaders and thus breeds bastard followers.
I am totally fed-up with the world!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A sore purchase
I got the ominous feeling that things were not right from the point we sign the contract. Due to misrepresentation by the developer's officer, we have to sign several versions of the contract. We were first 'forced' to take the housing loan from one of the banks and the officer was pretty imposing (which I got this nagging suspicion that they may have internal contacts with the financier). In the end, they relented after we 'strongly' insisted of co-signing the purchase with my wife and threatened to cancel my purchase if they did not let us choose the financier of our choice. We actually have to go a little bit of drama just to pull it off. The final version of the contract was finally signed after my wife deliver our first son. I remember dragging my wife who were still under confinement then to go to the developer's office to finalise the documents.
Unbeknownst to us, the project faced a lot of obstacles throughout the entire construction period. The developer run into serious financial trouble and had to abandoned the project halfway . There was a series of discussion between the buyers, contractors and state government to revive the project, but after a brief revival, the project was left abandoned again. Most of the purchasers were faced with heavy financial burden. The best thing was, the loan drawdown have been up to 60% completion. Just look at these two pictures, did it look like the project has been 60% completed?

After a series of failed discussions, the purchasers have unanimously voted to take legal action against the developer and the state government, citing breach of contract and fraudulent practices. As we speak, the case is still pending.
Looking back, this remains one of the biggest sore in my life. I remember those days when I use to sit with my wife planning how we wanted to renovate the house, how we would want to decorate it bla, bla, bla... Sometimes, I would look again and again at the developer's brochure, daydreaming of how wonderful it will be to bring up your kids in such a beautiful environment. Now with all the things that have happened, I feel as if someone have stabbed me in the back, ripped my heart out and chopped it to pieces right in front my eyes, whilst I was laying down helplessly going through a slow and painful death.
At least I was not that bad, some purchasers runs into bankruptcy whilst some died of heartache. I truly pity these true and honest people who work hard in their entire life just to get houses of their dream, only to be cheated in the end. It got me thinking, why does this happen in the first place? I believe, somewhere, someone is benefiting from our misery. Nobody seems willing to own up to the problem. Didn't the people involved in the project have a least a little feeling of accountability to the buyers? Are they human in the first place? Are the leaders we choose truly worth the position they hold? Maybe, the recent general election is god's punishment to whomever were responsible for this. Since I don't want be charged with contempt of court, let the truth be told in court!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Technology and Deadlines
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A sporty weekend
Yesterday, I was playing badminton with my nephew (who coincidentally celebrated his 19th birthday yesterday - Happy Birthday SIB) and two of his early 20's friends. I must admit, I was nervous at first after seeing how young and energetic they are. In my mind, I reckon the match shall be over within minutes. To my surprise, I was the one running circles around them. Throughout the match, I was giving them a tough time with my smash, backhand drive, shot placement and tremendous netplay. I don't mean to brag, but I really can't remember whether I have ever been this good even during my young and healthier days. In the end, I won both matches after playing in rubber sets.
Today, in my tennis match, it was no exception. We had a match between me and my usual partner, Ozor and my other good buddies, Koosh and BroMat. When it comes to tennis, I always feel inferior compared to Koosh and Ozor (Koosh, Ozor and me were schoolmates). Koosh is well known for his consistent serves and volley game. He was a school player during our schooldays. Whilst Ozor has the most stinging backhand and service. As for me, I am a bit erratic. There are times when my serves was good but my backhand was crappy and there are days when it was the other way around. But most of the time, I was kind of crappy in both departments. I usually count on my forehand to hit winners. Knowing that I have a weak serve, I always avoided playing volley, choosing to happily pound the ball from baseline.
Anyway, back to my tennis match, Koosh and BroMat make strong pairings. Both of them are good in their serves and volleys. In the past, we have never been able to beat them. But I guess things are different today. From the very beginning, I have decided to play it differently. I was more offensive at the net. In fact, there were occasions where I played overhead volleys (a shot which I have never been able to master ever since I picked up tennis!). I was very pumped up through out the match and I guess my energy rubbed on Ozor as well, as he too produce some amazing shots throughout the entire match. I also serve aces twice. The match was very tight. In the end, we won the match in a tiebreaker. When I walk over to the net to shake their hands, I feel that I have conquered my inferiority towards Koosh and Ozor. I felt that I have arrived in their league, finally.

Friday, April 11, 2008
Excuse me, Madamme Luke!

I am very close to my sisters, so much so that we even do 'girl-ly' stuff together such as 'karaoke'ing and shopping. Talk about shopping. I looooveeeee shopping. I have special craving of buying clothes and groceries - especially pyjamas for my kids and buying raw fish. Every time when I go to market, my wife would have to restrain me from buying too many fish. Don't ask me where I got this craving from. I can explain for the fish craving since I know my late mom and my sisters like to buy fish. But for the pyjamas....I myself was not sure.
My first sister is a manager in an oil company. Being the most respected, she is like the pillar of the family always playing leading role in all major decision making in the family. She is quite temperamental and always ready to combat any verbal attack on her or her family. Boy, when she is provoked, she can rip you apart with her verbal attack. In fact, non of my relatives dare to defy her. Amidst all that, she is very kind-hearted and have soft-spot for people who need help.
My second sister is more mild mannered. She is a first-class honours degree unemployed, who is very contended of playing homemaker. She is like the one who glued the family together. She will always play the counsellor's role. In fact, all of us found it easier to confide in her our problems. But do not be fooled by her appearance. Once she is angry, she can totally shun you out of her life FOREVER!!
My third sister lives abroad and in education field. She lives abroad since 1985 and have not been permanently back since she got married to foreigner. She is a bit tom-boyish, yet the most pious in the family.
I guess my high regards for them have great influence in my character. In fact, I enjoy different types of relationship with my sisters. I would go to my first sister for advice relating to serious stuff. My second sister have this great tendency for spoiling me. If I want adventure, I would normally go to my third sister. The common thing that all my sisters have is their tendency to spoil me. They like to buy stuffs for me and cook my favourite dishes (this an obsession that all of them have which was duly inherited from my late mom!). I have to say, I am like being 'manja' by all of them. They are very protective of me.
I am truly grateful for being born in the family and I am truly grateful for the sisters I have. I love them very much. Thank you sis for being there for me. So what, if I have feminine tendencies! Remember this, if you dare make fun of me, I shall call upon my first sister to kick your ass. After all, I am still their most beloved kid brother :)
During the meeting, Mr JAK convenient put his responsibility on my shoulder to produce something in order to meet a deadline. I hate this guy. He is one of those person in the organisation who knows how to talk but doesn't really know how to work. In the office, he is known for his 'teflon'-like ability. No matter what task is assigned to him, nothing sticks. Somehow he will manage to 'tai-chi' the work to someone else. The best thing is, he will happily take he credit if the task is done well, and also quick to blame others if the task turns out to be disastrous. How come some people can get away with murder?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The news does affect my whole day yesterday. I can't believe this is happening again. I began to remember the incidents that happen 5 years ago when a close friend of mine, TT broke the news of having cancer after having similar symptoms. At that point, I was taken aback, but I was still full of positivity then that I naively believe that he can overcome this and recover from it. The truth was, he died last year after battling the cancer for the last 3 years.
My friendship with TT did not start amicably. He was my superior and I hate his guts. I found that he is very bossy, argumentative and such a control freak. He liked to give sarcastic remarks and always dumped a lot of work on me. We were even labelled by our colleagues and our bosses as anjing dan kucing, simply because whenever we are together, we always end-up arguing. Despite all this, we are still able to maintain a cordial and professional working relationship. Deep down, I always admire him for his intelligence. There were times when it is just impossible to outsmart him.
I began to see the other side of TT after one incident when I was facing huge personal problem. When I confide to him (which he prompted after series of mediocre work from me), he had shown tremendous support. He was quick to offer me words of encouragement for me to bravely faced the challenges. Then I realise that TT has such a huge heart. In addition, I also began to note that despite all the harsh comments that he threw at me, he was always fair in his performance appraisal of me. In fact, a little bird told me that during a closed-door discussion, he was fighting hard for my promotion. I owe my professional development a lot to him.
We lose contact when he left the company to work overseas. Every now and then, I thought of contacting him but couldn't bring myself to the phone due to work demands. One night, one of my friend text me about TT's obituary in one of the local newspaper. I was really devastated. He was just 36. I attended his funeral to give him the last respect. During the last 8 month before his demise, he was hospitalised in a hospital just behind my house. I could have visited him and lend the support, had I picked up the phone and called him earlier. I felt very guilty. I feel I have failed as a good friend. How I wish I could reciprocate his kind gestures.
I do have similar relationship with SS, except this time I was the boss. I have to admit that I was very hard on her. Despite my high demand and tight deadlines, she managed to deliver. Perhaps this little incident should remind me that perhaps, it's about time for me to go easy on her. She told me that she would know the results by next week. Whilst I gave her some re-assuring words, I feel that I need some reassurance myself. The thoughts of TT keeps playing in my head repeatedly. I don't think I want to go through this all over again.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Rebel without a cause
During Maghrib time, I went to take my wudhu' in the bathroom only to find out there's water overflowing all over the bathroom floor. Still bengang from the earlier incident, I start scolding one of my sons (who used the bathroom before me) for not turning off the tap after using it. My son initially denied the accusation and say that he did turned off the tap, which further aggravated my anger. During the moment, I was making a snap judgment that not only he had done wrong, he lied about it. As I was about to give him another series of scolding (by the way, he was also the guilty party in the earlier incident), I found out the overflowing water was not from the tap but actually from the washing machine which was running at that time.
I was speechless. Then my son broke the brief silence by laughing heartily. Of course, I did join in after realising how funny the whole situation is (and also to mask my embarrassment) .
Looking back, I learn a very valuable lesson yesterday. I was harbouring over an incident, 'preying' over my son for a mistake that he did and not willing to let go. Yet, my son was quick to forgive me for the mistake that I do to him. Maybe, I should learn to take things easy a little bit. Oh, did I mention that my son was just six years old?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Losing a teammate
I know I am going to miss having her around but I guess, one got to do what one got to do. Superchica - I hope you keep on with your mission to save the world.
Count your blessing
Many a times we tend to compare ourselves with others using material possessions as the yardstick. Whereas, true blessings comes in all forms. The fact that I have a good babysitter to take care of my kids, a kind 'pakcik' to send and fetch my kids to/from schools, a very understanding wife who takes care of me and my kids very well, and three wonderful boys that look up to you as if you are this superhero who has answers to everything in the world, has all contributed to me having this serene state of mind. I wonder how many of us really see the world from this point of view. The next time when you feel you are short compared to others, please remember this - count your blessing!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Why do we have to be mean?
After talking for awhile, I don't really see a point to be exasperated in the first place. It was a harmless queries intended to get a better picture before I give a reply to a business user. Yes, the business user herself was trying to be sneaky with her request, but that does not mean that one has to be mean and give insulting comment. After all, we are colleagues and I am trying to get some facts. I have notice that this particularly colleague of mine has a tendency to be either sarcastic or condescending towards me and my team. As far as I can recall, I have never done such thing to her. Whilst I have my utmost respect for her, I can't help but wondering did she has something against me. I would think that in most occasions, I was very cordial and in fact very helpful to her.
I guess, maybe I was too helpful that she begins to take me and my team for granted. Maybe, I should be more selfish towards her. But hey, that's not me!!
This gives me the opportunity to reflect, why does people tend to be mean to people who are generally nice to them. Is it because they felt it was comfortable to do so with that person compared to somebody else whom they do not have a cordial relationship with? Many a times we tend to take things for granted. I have to admit, I too do that sometimes, especially to my wife (who, despite not really admitting it to her face, I really appreciate her for the wonderful person she is). Maybe we all should evaluate our mode of relationship with people around us. Do we accord the people around us with the right 'mode' of relationship? Is being mean is another way of saying that I appreciate you? Strange....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Life's Priority
Nowadays, other people's opinion doesn't matter anymore. I have come to a place that I was so secure with my own ability that I don't need anybody to endorse whether I am a good worker or not. And I found this very assuring. In fact, I have found little things such as spending time with your children or playing some silly bubble blowing game with your kids can be so much more satisfying than say clinching some multi-million dollar deal.
I guess this is part of maturity.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Light at the end of the Tunnel
One of the self-revelation that I got when I took this project is that I learn that I can do almost anything if I put my mind to it. The project was not even my forte. I guess the fact that I am getting out of my comfort zone had made me more self conscious about my work and thus making me putting extra effort in order to avoid disastrous outcome. The project is not yet completed, but at least, I am seeing the end of it.
But true to the corporate life, one project ends, another one started. My next project is going to be even bigger. I am beginning to think maybe I should be redesignated as 'corporate janitor'. I clean up after somebody else's excrement!
Tonight I am really looking forward to going back early and enjoy the company of my wife and kids. i treat this as my mini celebration.
Nevertheless, something did spoil my day for today - Roger Federer loses AGAIN!! what's up with that guy?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I am pretty appalled with the level of dedication of young generations nowadays. Makes me think back when I was a young person, just starting work. The kind of shit that my superior puts on to me are sometimes unbearable - but I keep on soldiering on because I know, there's just a lot of things that I need to learn in order to be a better professional in future.
Young kids nowadays wants everything to be easy and thought of for them. Well, if they work with me, they wouldn't get them. I believe in 'torturing' my staff so that they know how to survive on their own based on their own capabilities.