Saturday, December 5, 2009

End of the Year

It's been awhile since I haven't updated this blog. A lot of things have happened since then.

  1. Federer lost US open

  2. Nadal is not like he used to be

  3. I have now a very big circle of tennis buddies. In fact I have even a tennis 'kaki' in my neighbourhood

  4. My work is getting more and more interesting. In fact I am in the middle of being transferred to other areas..

  5. Got very good job offer and still contemplating of accepting it or not

  6. My son did very well in his exam.

I have repaired a few relationships that I have wronged in the past.

SO in short, it has been a wonderful year. Just wish I could share it with my mom...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Losing Momentum: Part 1

Have you ever been in a situation where things just don't go your way and along with it, you lose your energy, your motivation and your will to survive.

Lately, I have been going through many energy sapping events - both personal and professional. And in both occasions, it is ALL about clearing somebody else's mess.

Just because you make your decision based on 'kesian' and because of that that act has caused you trouble does not warrant you to pass the buck to someone else for him to clear. One of my family member did just that to me. The thing is, in normal circumstances I could have just said that it's your problem and thus, you clean the shit.

However, when it comes to family members, there are just so many 'parameters' that deter me from doing so. When emotions is involved, it is very, very hard to do it. At times, I am just FED-UP of having to make decision for people, whom for the rest of their life, have avoided doing so. Some people like so pandai cakap but when it comes to taking action and making decision, they will shun away.

I have seen this right in front of my eyes through-out my life and heck it I am still seeing it again and again. Why some people just don't want to own up to their mistakes. Why? Why? Why?

Ever since when i was small, I have seen things being managed single handedly by person who shall not be doing it in the first place. I thought faily life is supposed to be led and managed by the 'Ketua'. But if the 'Ketua' is not doing his job and let someone else do it, then DON"T complainnnnnnn!!!!!!!

I wish I could say to the person right to his face but then, my obligation sets n. Now, I am miserable because yesterday I have finally able to say it but instead of feeling better, I feel even worse.

In the meantime, I am beginning to show my typical symptoms of stress - i.e. heightened sense of sarcasm!!

Next - Part 2 of Losing Momentum........

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Note to my Blog

Dear Blog,

I am sorry I have left you alone for quite some time. It's not that I have totally forgotten you, but I finally found that I have better life than before.

First, when I move to my new house, I realised that what I have been missing most in my life. I have finally known what it's like to have a sense of community. I have superb neighbours, so superb that I have even volunteered to be a committee member for the residents association. I got along great with all the people along my road. For heaven sake, we even have midnight-till-morning chit chat session in the middle of the road in front of our houses. Not to mention our routine friday night badminton session and our weekend ping-pong matches. Though I suck in both games (which is evident from my never-having-won any matches), I truly enjoy the atmosphere surrounding it. The guys will play the games, the kids will play with each other and our wives are chatting and exchanging notes on household tips (and more?).

Second, I have been able to keep myself fit. I am more disciplined with my exercise routine and my tennis skills have improved tremendously. I know this may sound sadistic, but I found a sense of utmost satisfaction seeing my friends scrambling and struggling to return my serve and and forehands. At times, I can feel this sense of invincibility in me. Forgive me for sounding arrogant but if you are in my position, you would be doing it too.

Thirdly, I am more in control of my work. I can't help it when I am able to meet my deadlines and also helped other people realised their potential. At the mid of last year, I have two managers transferred to my area for further development. Today, one of them has truly improved by leaps and bound and the other is heading in the same path. To put icing to the cake, one of my staff was recently promoted in another area for his outstanding achievement.

So my dear blog, please forgive me for abandoning you for such a long time. I simply can't help it. I am sure you would do the same to if you are in my shoe. And if you do, I truly, truly understand why you do it.