Monday, April 21, 2008

Spoke too soon....

I use this blog to express things that is normally in my head which, under normal circumstance, I wouldn't tell to other people. When I look back at my entry, I started to sense that most of writings have some degree of pomposity and self-congratulatory that undertone them. Believe me, I am not a pompous person, far from it. Somehow, God has ways to remind me to be more humble and down to earth. Last Friday, it was no exception.

Remember when I wrote how productive I have been last week bla, bla, bla. Guess what? As I was about to leave my office, looking forward to a relaxing weekend, I got an email requesting me to prepare a presentation to senior management on Tuesday. Since, it was still 530 pm, I decided to stay back a while, do the necessary skeletal presentation and make a few calls to get the information required, giving them Monday as deadlines for submission. Still, I felt, under such tight deadlines, I manage to keep cool and remain subdued. When I finish my last instructions, I felt that my entry on being a superhero was well validated. Seems that it was only the beginning.

When I was about to leave office again about at 730 pm, I got a call from my boss to prepare a report which is due on Monday! This is where I started panicking. It was already 730pm and most of my colleagues have gone home (after all it was Friday night!). Thousands of questions started to clogged my mind. Where am I going to get the information during the weekend? How can I contact the right people? Where can I get the additional resource? I have already approved the leaves for two of my key staff next week. Helllppppppp!!

Suddenly I remember my earlier blog entry on being super-productive. At this juncture, I would like to take back all the things that I say about myself. Time for this humble old bloke to swallow his words and admit that he is not a superhero after all!


Anonymous said...

Dude, in my planet's language, we call it "taluad". That's what happens when you do wrong to Superchica.. now.. who's the superhero first....?

yes, repeat after me "SuperChica, you Da Bomb!"

Good boy.

Honestly, though.. it's Murphy's Law... or maybe its about being riak? Whatever it is, u felt it, acknowledged it, and rectified things.. that's respectable. For many, they'll just point them fingers to others...

Luke said...


Since I am in my remorseful and repentant mood, here goes.....

Superchica, YOU DA BOMB!!!

Thanks for reminding me that my ego has shrunk to the size of George Bush's nuts :)

Anonymous said...

Damn straight... hehehe

Remember, the universe is only so big.. and only one person's ego can dominate! hehehe