Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Major disappointment

I was truly upset with my son Luke yesterday. Not only because he lied to his mother and me about him bringing ALL his piggy bank savings to school yesterday, but also because of his intention to show off to his friends how much money he has.

I felt really, really disappointed because Honesty and Humility are few of the virtues that I uphold very very closely in my heart. When I was young I have seen too much of lying and 'self-promotion'/arrogance around me to the extent that I will naturally react with repelling behaviour towards those who lacked such qualities. The thing is, I just cannot believe that my son was doing it. Of course he got some very major scolding from me but that does not compensate for the disappointment I felt.

To make things worse, he was almost 'mugged' by one of the school bullies at school, whom I suspect, could have seen him holding that much money.

The truth is, I am more disappointed with myself for not being able to pass down the virtues well to my kids. Maybe, I have not been praying hard enough to God for my kids to embrace these virtues.


Anonymous said...

Gosh.. that's the scary thing about parenting. U kinda never know what can happen..

I guess it must be about conveying your messages effectively.. and then pray that it stays in their psyche.

All the best, bro.

Luke said...

I know - but then again, who hasn't lied when they were young....

Luke said...

I know - but then again, who hasn't lied when they were young....