It's been awhile since I haven't updated this blog. A lot of things have happened since then.
- Federer lost US open
- Nadal is not like he used to be
- I have now a very big circle of tennis buddies. In fact I have even a tennis 'kaki' in my neighbourhood
- My work is getting more and more interesting. In fact I am in the middle of being transferred to other areas..
- Got very good job offer and still contemplating of accepting it or not
- My son did very well in his exam.
I have repaired a few relationships that I have wronged in the past.
SO in short, it has been a wonderful year. Just wish I could share it with my mom...
Salam Luke...this is one of your A-Levels Cheras friend saying hi and good to see you writing away.. Natasha.
Wow, your kids have grown!
Good to hear your year's been good, hombre. And by the looks of it, things are looking up! Here's to a great year ahead, and may you and your family be blessed with more happiness and success, insya-Allah.
BTW, it was great meeting up for our GL yesterday. The last few weeks of meeting with my old colleagues and cronies really remind me of the wonderful times I had in SZB and how much I miss you guys!
Maybe I'll be seeing a post about "paradigm shifts" in the future, bro! hehehehehe
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